ALS Ice Bucket Challenge “To whom much is given, much is expected”.  Whatever you particular political affiliation, this famous quote by John F. Kennedy represents a sentiment held by many of us in America.  At Biagi Bros, we don’t want …

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Indiana Little League State Champions A dozen boys in Highland Indiana are having the summer of their dreams.  On July 23, 2014, Highland Indiana’s 10 and 11-year old little leaguers defeated Broadripple in a score of 11 to 0 to …

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Biagi Green – Going Leaner & Greener The air has gotten a little cleaner in California thanks to Biagi Bros’ Van Nuys terminal.  Fifteen brand new, state-of-the-art Freightliners just hit the highways, leaving cleaner air in their wake – literally.  …

Biagi Green is Even Greener Read more »

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3PL Logistics Services Planning, arranging, and buying transportation to move your freight–traffic management–might be the most critical aspect of logistics. Freight consolidation, carrier costs and selection, tracing and expediting, and all the other duties involved in this all-important job all …

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Getting a Clear Handle on 3PL Trucking and Warehousing Advances in technology and global business exposure due to increased internet-based purchasing through smartphones and computers have given companies greater opportunities for tapping a rich vein of marketability and virtually unlimited …

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9 11 Memorial Garden Napa CA The vision is being realized. The much-anticipated structure is taking shape, but this is not just an ordinary construction site you will encounter when you visit down-town Napa this summer. It is the long-awaited …

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Going Green with Transportation at Biagi Bros The transportation industry and the green environmental movement have traditionally been considered at odds with each other. At Biagi Bros.,  we are working hard to combat the negative perception that the transportation and logistics …

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The Grass is Greener at Biagi Like other Biagis that now make up the next generation at Biagi Bros transportation and warehousing, Stacey Biagi spent summer vacations working in the family business. Answering phones, filing paperwork, and helping out in …

Biagi Career Read more »

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Time is Money – Barcode Scanning Technology Part 1 The maxim “time is money” is a familiar one to most people that own or manage any type of business. Nowhere is this adage more evident than in the logistics industry. …

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Biagi Bros – Trucking, Warehousing and 3PL The trucking and warehousing operation known as Biagi Bros. started in 1978 when brothers Fred Jr. and Greg Biagi, using their father’s knowledge of LTL shipping, stepped out and purchased their own truck. …

A Family Business That Keeps On Trucking Read more »

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